About Me

Greetings in the Saviour’s Name from Galati! I am writing with an invitation for you to participate with us in this project, because I am convinced that God has called us to be partners in the extension of the boundaries of His Kingdom in south-eastern Romania. -Pastor Mihai Dumitrascu

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A few photos from the Fundraising dinner

Report on Fundraising banquet

On Saturday 14th August 170 people attended the fundraising banquet held at Philadelphia Romanian Church in Chicago.
Much effort went into the organisation of the event, and the preparation of the venue, food etc. All present were pleasantly surprised by all they saw and heard.
A highlight of the evening was the presentation of a film by Pastor Mihai Dumitrascu of the ministry that takes place through Emanuel Christian Church, Galati and their project to build the Sanctuary.
Apart from a marvellous meal, each guest received a small gift from Emanuel Church, as a small thank you for their participation at the event.
Further photos can be seen above.