About Me

Greetings in the Saviour’s Name from Galati! I am writing with an invitation for you to participate with us in this project, because I am convinced that God has called us to be partners in the extension of the boundaries of His Kingdom in south-eastern Romania. -Pastor Mihai Dumitrascu

Monday, November 8, 2010

The dream is getting closer

Anticipation is running high, as we work towards the deadline of 5th December for the inauguration service in the basement of the Sanctuary.

The final arrangements are coming along nicely.

The stage area has been completed.

The painting is almost complete

The old building at the property's entrance has been demolished

and this week we hope to see the handrails installed on the stairwells,

and the driveway completed...

Then next week we will receive the carpet!

With the 101 things that must happen before 5th December, the pace is feverish, but with God's help, we'll get there!

Thank you for your prayers, and we would covet your ongoing prayers for the financial situation.