About Me

Greetings in the Saviour’s Name from Galati! I am writing with an invitation for you to participate with us in this project, because I am convinced that God has called us to be partners in the extension of the boundaries of His Kingdom in south-eastern Romania. -Pastor Mihai Dumitrascu

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Our dream realised: the inauguration service on 5th December 2010

On Sunday 5th December 2010, the inauguration service in the basement of our Sanctuary took place! Praise God for His goodness to us, that we were able to get most things done in time for this service to take place. A few minor items remain to be completed.

Despite the inclement weather, there were about 550 present at the service, with many extra chairs being added to accomodate the large crowd. A choir joined the praise and worship team to lead us in worship, most of the local pastors and their wives were present, as well as the Blidar family from Chicago, and Pastor Kermit Bell and Deacon Bill Warne from Glad Tidings Church in Austin, Texas.

You can watch an unedited version of the service (including several minutes that were captured before the service started) on our web-site: http://www.emgl.org/resurse/arhiva%20media%20video - you will find that it is not in sequence! Parts are in English because of our guest preacher, Kermit Bell, but you will get a feel of the service by watching the morning as it unfolded, with the praise and worship team and the choir, greetings from various guests, and the other festivities.

Please continue to be with us in prayer, that the Lord's Name will be glorified in this place, and that many will come to know Him personally here.

Please also pray that God will provide the necessary finances to pay our many outstanding bills to the firms that helped us realise this dream!